Thursday, October 22, 2009

the leaves are rustling gustily

Last week I got to enjoy one of my teacher holidays that seems "unfair" to the rest of the working world. FALL BREAK!!! And might I say that I for one have been enjoying our premature fall weather here in OK. I thought for the one week anniversary of fall break being past us, that it was time for a recap.

First, I came home Wednesday night and did all of my grading so I could enjoy the long weekend.

Then, Thursday morning I got to be a fun aunt and I had Audrey come over to the house and watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs with me. I must admit that was probably mostly for me, but she enjoyed it too. I bought the new DVD this month and I just haven't had time to watch it. What better excuse is there than to watch it with my niece. Our movie was followed up with lunch at Chuck E Cheese.

Thursday evening Bob and I helped serve a meal at the Lighthouse and then we headed home to chill out and watch "The Office".

Friday, was just one big date day/night. My dear husband accompanied me to the mall and I actually got to go to several stores, bought a new black jacket, and some make-up.

We then had a late lunch at the Elephant Bar

Yea for late lunches and having the restaurant to our selves!

Later that evening we had a big night out in Bricktown. Since this was the evening before the OU/Texas game it was not overly crowded for a Friday night, but not deserted either.

Me in my new jacket.

The husband cruising Bricktown
We ate dinner at the Bricktown Brewery and enjoyed the nice crisp fall evening as we walked outside. Finally, we got to check out the new Michael Murphy's Dueling Piano bar. Since it was not a very busy night we got to walk right in without having to wait, like we've been hearing about from several people. The piano players were a hoot, but I would not recommend this type of entertainment in the midst of company such as your grandma.

Overall I would declare Fall Break a success! Luckily this week of school so far has gone well, except that I have been getting hungry before lunch time. Sounds like I have gotten myself accustomed to eating more often during my time off. Oh well, time to get back into my routines.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

there maybe something there that wasn't there before

Having a pet in our house is shocking for many of our close friends and family members. I never grew up with pets, so this has been a completely new experience for me. We are getting used to our cat still and his interesting schedule. He's not a complete indoor cat as of right now. Mr. Swarley comes and goes as he pleases. He eats, sleeps all day, and prefers to be outside all night. Whenever I try to treat him like an indoor kitty, he goes to the door and asks to leave (stands at the door and meows). I gave him cat nip to play with, a fake mouse. Shortly after that he asks to leave and 10 minutes later he comes back with a half dead field mouse. I guess he wanted the real thing. I've heard that you never really "own" a cat, it is the cat who chooses. I think that is definitely the case here. We'll see what happens as the weather keeps getting colder, but for now Swarley is still an indoor/outdoor kitty.