Wednesday, March 14, 2012

oh baby!

If you haven't heard the great news yet, we are having a baby!

Baby Kennedy will be making their debut at the end of August or early September.
Hopefully, I will be done with labor by Labor Day :)

The process has been very exciting for me so far. On my birthday I got to see our baby on an ultra sound. On Valentine's Day I got hear the heartbeat at my regular OB appointment, and on leap day, February 29th, I had another ultra sound.

Yesterday after my monthly OB appointment we made another appointment for an ultra sound on April 10th. Hopefully, this is when they will be able to tell us if baby Kennedy is a boy or a girl.

Today I am 16 weeks and I am feeling good.
One of these days when I have a significant baby bump, belly picks will be in order on here. Right now I can conceal my condition, but as I understand that won't last for much longer.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for baby!! We are so happy for you guys! I'm glad you've been feeling well.
