Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mom World

I love being a mommy. Yes it has been lots of change and adjustment being a first time mother, but I really do enjoy it. One thing I don't feel I was fairly warned about was Mom World. (Yes I totally made that term up). Mom World (to me at least) is where you encounter other moms whether it is in real life conversation or merely observation via the internet, Facebook, etc. Mom world can be okay sometimes and at times pleasant. I do enjoy having friends who are going through some of the same things and who share ideas and advice that has been helpful to them.Then there are other times where it is down right scary. The scariness mostly happens on the internet through people I don't even know (thank goodness!).

I understand the need to talk with other moms and ask about things they are doing and what works for them in certain situations. But the other day I was scrolling through a new mom group on Facebook that someone I hardly know added me into it. And no, this is not the same group that some of my readers on here are a part of, I promise :). I found a thread of someone asking for a pediatrician recommendation and the comments were getting pretty ridiculous. It was to the point where I couldn't tell if these ladies were being sarcastic or if they were being dead serious. I really need to just remove myself from that group because if I really want help or advice, a social group of people I don't know on the internet is not going to be where I get my information.

Besides the internet crazies out there, Mom World isn't that bad, but it can sure sneak up on you and catch you off guard sometimes. I know moms tend to talk a lot about what they do with their little one because that has totally consumed their world, therefore that is what they tend to talk about. My thoughts ran away with me the other day and I started pondering: what if we talked about the way we cleaned our bathrooms the same way we talk about what we do with our children? For one, people would think you are strangely excited about cleaning your bathroom or they might pick up on some good cleaning tips. I began to think that Mom World can kind of be like that at times. We are really involved and consumed with our children and people may not understand that, or they might pick up some helpful tips.

 I did get a break from Mom World and being a mommy a few weeks ago. I went to the NKOTB concert when they came to OKC at the end of June and I invited a non-mom friend. We had a wonderful time reliving some old childhood memories. Since Blake was not feeling well for most of that week I forgot to even post about it.

Of course I can't end this post without sharing something from Mom World. I thought Blake was finished with the packaged baby foods we had been feeding him. His pediatrician even warned us that one day he would just stop eating baby food and only want table food, probably right after we go to the store and buy him a bunch of the baby food :) I was having a difficult time getting him to take his baby food and he would get really upset and frustrated! Turns out he just wanted to hold the spoon too!

Now Blake continues to eat squash, sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, and long as he has a spoon in his hand.

1 comment:

  1. I agree - Mom World is a strange sub-culture we unknowingly become part of. It has a good purpose at times but there are parts of it that are just downright weird!
