Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Update on Goals

Good thing I did not make blogging more regularly part of my “goals” for this year. It’s been so long since I’ve looked at my blog that I missed the spam comment I received on my last post. 

During my blog absence I have been working on my goals for 2015.
 I just finished up my last spring semester of my master’s program and I only lack three hours (one course) to graduate in the fall. I will be completing an internship in the fall and I will be finished. My degree program does not require the completion of an internship, but I really want the experience since I will not be pursuing a job immediately upon graduating. I was also not crazy about paying tuition for the internship since basically you are working for free. However, I found a scholarship to apply for that awards $1000 upon completing an internship. I applied and I was awarded the scholarship. So yea for not paying tuition for my final course!

I have not lost 30 pounds yet, but I also did not put forth any effort until the beginning of April. So far I have lost 12 pounds with seven months of the year left to try and lose 18 more.

We did manage to fly last week with both of our kiddos. After I finished my final paper of the semester we left for Florida. We flew into Orlando with a quick layover in Dallas where we met up with the grandparents (yea for extra help!). Once in Orlando we drove to Saint Augustine, FL.

Saint Augustine is the oldest city in the country off of the Atlantic coast. The beach was beautiful and it did not feel as terribly humid as it does on the Gulf of Mexico side.

These pictures were from the first leg of the trip to from OKC to Dallas.

 Here is Blake's first walk on the beach.

 This is Bonnie in her swim suit for the first time.

And here is our little girl waiting to board at the plane on the way home. It was a fun trip, and the children did very well with flying and going through the airport.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that's awesome! I'm glad you're doing so good on your goals!!
