Now I just need to take a test for it sometime in May or early June. Then I get to find out if I passed in December. If I don't pass no need to panic. All of the points I earn count toward the 2nd attempt and I only redo the parts I don't score so well on.
Since Friday I've been able to finally get around to getting the house back into order.
For example we did not eat at our dining room table for a while due to this:
We have been back to sitting and eating at it since Saturday night. Yea! (Not sure if hubby shares my excitement on that one)
Now for a random story. So, I bought a new celebratory pair of jeans Saturday. Celebratory because 1 I met my deadline for turning in my entries and 2 I am back to my smaller sized pants (I went up a size while working on my project). They seemed a little snug in the back, but I was able to zip them and I just thought well, new jeans are tight they'll stretch.
I go to wear them for the first time and remove all the tags and almost forgot the sticker they put down the back of the leg (I forget that one a lot!) All the tags are off and they just seem weird still. I touch the back pocket and it has something in it. The pocket has a button and I open it up and I find these:
They were not attached to the pants they were just sitting inside the pocket. Very weird! It's amazing I did not get poked by one of those while trying them on and also amazing that I did not set off any security alarms. Very bizarre.