Friday, January 10, 2014

New Year Challenge

My very brave cousin started a blog to share her weight loss goals and journey for 2014. In her latest post she ended it with this challenge for herself and her readers: Name 5 positive things about yourself and name 3 things you like about your body. Here it goes, I think I might struggle completing this perhaps due to a lack of self esteem and also partly to not come across as delusional. I think it can be easier to list these things about other people rather than for yourself.

Name 5 positive things about yourself: *****

  1. I am punctual and complete things in a timely manner.
  2. I can cook and bake food that is quite tasty.
  3. I am honest. Here's an interesting article I came across this week. Bob and I must be incredibly trustworthy ;)
  4. I am dependable.
  5. I like to try new things.

Name 3 things you love like about your body: *****

  1. I can get a tan in moderate sunlight exposure while wearing sunscreen.
  2. My dimples (on my face ;)
  3. My arms, I like that they are a good length for reaching things, but right now they could probably benefit from some lifting and toning exercises.  
Well, that was a fun little self evaluation exercise. I kept realizing that some of my positive attributes tend to come across in the extreme and sometimes don't seem very positive. I guess that is something I can work on this year. Happy new year folks. I'll leave you with a cute picture of me and the kitty from this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! You did better than I did ;)
    Thanks for the kind words and for sharing!
